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Kostenloser Versand ab 100 €
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NEW! Woodstock & Friends
Kostenloser Versand ab 100 €
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Kostenloser Versand ab 100 €


How long do I have to return something?

You may return goods to us within 14 days after receipt.

How do I return an order?

Please send us an e-mail at We will create a return form and send it to you as a PDF. Use this form for your return.

Please return the goods to the following address:

c/o Streiff & Helmold GmbH
Logistik + Versand (Logistics + Shipping)
Warenannahme 4
Carl-Giesecke-Str. 2
38112 Brunswick


My item is damaged. What should I do?

Please contact our customer service at e-mail ( if your product is damaged. Ideally you should also send a photo of the damaged item. We will see to a replacement or refund as soon as possible.

